Saturday, October 11, 2008

i'm behind the wheel

it's been 6 days since i touched down in singapore on sunday night 11.40pm. it's been a hectic week, and it's about to become a busy semester once again.

overall rating of china? so-so. sadly, china's not the best place to go for a holiday in asia. and to add to the bad review of china, i've got myself intestinal infection on the last week of the trip, again.

still, i missed everyone when i was there. kept thinking of going home most of the time.

the good bit about china is that, the sell stuff there that singapore doesn't have. i got myself a pair of leather converse shoes, a different version from the one in singapore, and i upgraded my wardrobe by 10%.

i'll be honest, i haven't been keeping up with times when i was spending my 6 weeks in wuhan. but even i do know the global economy slowly decayed itself to recession in the past 3 weeks.

and when i got back, its america crashes, europe dying, thailand still struggling with politcal stuff, and anwar still fighting with najib in KL. its all bu ha ha, but when does it all end? even our country's been hit, but how hard? and how are we gonna deal with this?

the answers? let's find out in a few weeks time.

Incubus - Drive - video powered by Metacafe