Wednesday, May 30, 2007

chapter 10 page 220 : funny bits of the past

it's 8 o clock, how do you do?
just reminicing about the past again. it just brings back some good laughs. ok, we don't have to go way back into the past, just a yesterday or a week before will do.

let's start week last week. how can i forget to post this last thursday? i guess i was too busy. well, while i was in the market with joan, wei kiat, and derek ng (yes, he's another person and we usually get mixed up when someone addresses us). we were having lunch before our pool session when we were discussing about shaving. yes the bathroom taboo, which all females prefer not to disclose whether or not they do shave. yes, hair. from head to toe. we talked about facial hair, stomach hair and down to problems with going under.

and to cap it off, there was this blonde woman (obviously not local) who sat next to us. yea, and the conversation kicked off. hm.... i guess i shouldn't have said some things, but it just came out.

we were actually discussing about women who had hair all over. talk on and on about how we knew some women had more facial hair than other guys XD and how some women had hair all over their arms.

but what actually shook the woman off her seat was the following line: "imagine a women who had chest hair" the woman's facial expression was PRICELESS. i couldn't stop shaking in my seat. o yea, and the final blow was dealt non other than by derek ng. the lad said he had stomach hair lining from his chest all the way down beyond his belly button and...further down la. so he lifted his T-shirt up and showed everyone the merchandise. good lord, the women stared at him as if he were some sex fiend.

yea, that was really funny. and what about yesterday? i didn't really want to mention this but well maybe for the greater fun, let's do this. i worked out at the gym yesterday with shun yuan. it wasn't exactly entertaining but it really spooked. i guess he was really working it out on the threadmill, running at 16km/h (i gave up on the threadmill earlier and hogged the push-down machine).

can you imagine someone tripping on a threadmill? the first person i saw to ever trip on the mill was shun yuan. and yes, he nearly skidded of the machine just when i was about to start pushing down ^^ the entire gym looked at him.... if it was me who skidded, i would have jumped through the glass window and into the pool to hide my face. you can see everything man, ungraceful tripping, legs flying about, arms flinging wildly. okok, that's enough fun about shun yuan, i promised not to make fun of him.

other funny events include trying to escape from mr ong's practical by saying my house was on fire. that one really made me laugh. and one that took place a long time ago, when someone actually commented that NCC T-shirts would look really hip if they were pink. XD how's that for fashion police.

probably my days of laughter are long long gone. and the climax of the week is coming to a close in a few hours time. and i wish everyone an enlightening vesak day tommorrow, and for those poly students, work hard, common test is no walk in the park. it's a walk through hell.

today's blog has been concluded, i wish everyone good night.

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