Thursday, June 21, 2007

chapter 23

alright folks, it's almost weekend! and for the poly kids, it's almost time for school..again. it's been too short a holiday, but hey, there were some really interesting events that happened.

good news for some of us.... (it always comes after a shock). Bo Ju got past his second medical check up for heart abnormalities. that means, like me, we're headed for our joyride in the sky. next up, CMPB called again today to reconfirm my deferment...and they sent me a letter in the evening to re-reconfirm my deferment.

we shouldn't forget miss lorretta lau. she's headed for singapore tommorrow. ah, and tommorrow, is another day with 4C 06 gents, at jurong point (again) it me or does the 4C guys like to hang out at jurong....? it's probably me then. doesn't matter.

let's see..... anything i should do by myself or with someone this weekend? anyone wants to visit the old airforce mueseum? or sun bathe at sentosa? or if anyone craves for movies please ring a note on my mobile phone. hahaha, maybe no one will do that. but if there is anything interesting please do call.

and hey! meeting lorretta after all this time really makes me wonder.... will she start speaking like those R&B singers? whatshername? Rihanna? all the weirdy weirdy slang.... wonder when we're meeting up.... that reminds me. i didn't know the 4C prefects had more than one name until recently.... helen (wendy), sue (fazilah), mau (lorretta)..... well that's a serious case of identity crisis (i hope you're not reading this the 3 of you).

well, that's all the ranting about people. IMEEM has been a bitch lately. my playlist has shrunk even further than the last time.... all the 30 seconds preview and all.... really makes me mad. all my favourite songs are busted....

ok, more to come. click five music has been updated recently, with songs like "jenny", "all i need is you", and "by the way"...ok, these songs aren't really official yet, but you can still check'em out on that's not the end of it yet, relient K's latest album is out now and songs like "must have done something right" is really good, also, check'em out on the tube. distress. my desktop is now currently filled with....sean paul (nigger singer who does reggae R&B). i don't how those songs end up there, and i highly object to such music. tsk! sean paul....

last minute update from Yi Shen, NCC training at 1pm tommorrow noon.

ok, that's it for today, i hope you all have a good night, and see you down the road at the next exit. and here's "jenny" by the click five

as a final word, i'd like to say lead vocalist eric dill has left the click five... even though the music isn't bad, it just doesn't sound right. he is now replaced by new lead vocalist kyle patrick

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