Sunday, May 4, 2008

always put your money whre your mouth is

just recently i spent an evening with freddy in the cinema watching ironman. now technically, he shouldn't be called "iron"man, because his suit is mostly made out of titinanium. though the plot was good, it wasn't realistic, but futuristic. it gets quite exciting when you see him zipping around the sky, dodging misslies and F-22 raptors.

well, let's move on. this week was qijun's birthday, which falls on the same day as labour day. and joy oh joy has he got news for me! i can't disclose though. it's "top secret". and then we've got mother's day coming up.

most recently i've been given a part time assignment. as blogmaster of the ATC blog. here's the site it's really quite dull having to do all the research and stuff, what's more, i've got to keep a lid on what i say? that's really annoying.

more tests coming up in this up coming week. my class and i have all agreed on a few things.
  1. the CADM teacher deserves a kick in the gentlemens
  2. the SOM teacher is really loud and annoying, and deserves to have a firecracker up his bottom, and
  3. the ED teacher is easy to bribe with kachang puteh and black coffee

the funny thing about the ED lecturer is that he usually compares us students, with clowns and kachang puteh men. this intrigues us, as we tend to wonder, if the kachang puteh man really is quite educated with a degree?

now, the last post was one about a fighter jet, and the fastest car. which can go faster, in a drag race.

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