Thursday, August 28, 2008

the middle country

i'm finally settling down in china after 4 days in this humid and unforgiving place. it's always grey skies and haze.... and the air is always thick with smog and you can't see the view of the beautiful scenes.

i did manage to get my pictures. unfortunately...... i was stupid enough to mess with with my digi cam... and deleted everything i took in the past four days.

its hard for even the toughest guy to admit, but living here in the hostel proved to be much of a challenge, and i realized how big a gap there is between us civilized singapore citizens (excluding some of my roomies) and the local chinese.

the conditions were quite horrific when we got here. the place was covered in spiders the size of 20 cent coins and the mosquitos were green. under my bed were old beer bottles, cigerette sticks, 1 year mooncake wrappers and 2 inches of dust. it doesn't sound bad. but on the first day, we couldn't clean the 5 room flat because we didn't have anything with us.

IS lessons are boring to the point where by even mrs bala sounds interesting. some of the chinese teachers can't speak english to save their lives, let alone communicate. and as for SDC core module... one of the hardest nonsense i've ever come across.

time here is the same as singapore, but the sun rises at 5.30am, and sets at 7.30pm. its a hard road ahead. i hope i make it through okay.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

why don't we supersize that?

my classmate abel once told me he had a friend, who eats the main course for appetizers, and that being fat was cool. that thought bugged me for quite awhile, and when i was bored of studying, i decided to check out an old movie, and see it for myself. here, watch this.

and then we debate. we ask ourselves, do we eat to live, or live to eat?

enjoy your meal

Sunday, August 10, 2008


hassan called me this afternoon just before lunch, telling me he's got tickets to the NDP and if i waned to go. i said yes.

as usual like last year, i turned up not wearing red. this time was grey. and i looked odd out of the sea of chinese new year goers. everyone kept making fun of me saying i should hit on racheal, and it really bites me off.

seatings were great at the light blue section. we had jean danker. though we were much too far up to really see her. they all looked like power rangers when they first appeared. then it drizzled and showered alittle. got really humid and sad for everyone, not hyped up.

great performances by everyone. parade was great, even in the damp. performance was awesome, and fireworks were spectacular as usual. black knights and red lions were just amazing, even though the second last of the red lions had a bad landing.

might have been on TV, scenes where they filmed people throwing their thrash into the huge dump. caught me on cam throwing my garbage.

old songs bring me back to the days when i had much fun and laughter, turns out to be the last song.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

dismantle ... repair

its finally submission date for ED gearbox project. after days of rushing through, cut copy paste stick, and a few tantrums, we're finally through with projects.

next week marks the start of the final exams. need's practicing. tomorrow, got to go out and play billiards with freddy and gang. and got to do some shopping before i go to china, need to get all those things i need.

watched several movies recently. Batman, mummy, wanted. i didnt manage to catch hellboy though i really wanted to, instead, we watched wanted. more movies to look forward to, journey to the center of the earth and wallE.

video from anberlin. one of my favourite ones.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

er.... i'm sorry

sorry.... i hadn't really been faithful to my word. i should have kept some post on, but i really couldn't bothered. until maybe recently. i had some pains and i need to get them out.

had a nightmare in may, common test just started, had fun in june, common test ended and night cycling with the guys and girls. had a hard life in july, back to school with lots of work. and a rush in august, preparing for my final exams of the semester.

just last friday, i said goodbye to my laptop for the first time....and 3 days later, it's back. amazingly, i survived a year only with a outdated spyware scan. but at the end of it, there were 309 trojans.....

now, with the school's symantec, with the school's microsoft office, and with the school's help, i can finish up most of my work. though, the laptop still make some strange noises from time to time.

good news, i'm going to china. their processing the visas on tuesday, and i'm pretty sure i'll be going. i'll be leaving on the 25th. be stunned.... because, i'm going to china, to study. for six weeks, i'll be studying my third year module instead of 2months with the china chinese people. if there's anything you'd like me to buy for you, maybe i'll buy it for you.... if you're nice.

then again, i picked up some nice tunes for you this time. christian bands like relient K are quite good, but sadly, relient K's recent album wasn't that much of an ear digger. coldplay's new album was very...."colonial british" and augustana's was really really whiny. this time, i chose, anberlin. they've been around for sometime, and well, they're not too bad. they're christian by the way, like relient K