Monday, May 28, 2007

chapter 8

hm....... i just had a hair cut. it doesn't look that good on me at all. now that i think of it, i'd rather have no hair on my head. but i'd do my best to refrain from shaving off everything. the last time i did that it took the lives of many by storm ^_^ v hahaha, those were the wee wee days and the height of full-of-non-sense. i still miss the time retarding around the back of 4C, singing myself silly with jonathan and the radio, messing around with loretta and atiqah, laughing around with weird wendy and fazilah, abusing science with hassan and marvin, and of course, making miss chua's mouth drop open with horror

trapped in the joyful past, so nonstalgic that i can't seem to, or want to move on.

i've been thinking lately, i'd been wasting around my life in ngee ann. just because i find the work now alittle harder, i crumble like a cookie. but i guess it's all the hard work now that makes us the people of today and the better person tommorrow. it's a hard struggle, even till today, i still feel numb from the lectures which make absolutely no sense (ETE espeacially).

sometimes i miss my class of 4C 2006 so much i tear. but somehow i forgot how to cry. whenever i see my ex-classmates from JC, i'd throw a hug around them (maybe the girls aren't too comfortable with that gesture).8th of june is coming closer guys, i'd throw a extra big hug for everyone then.

this is a little tale as told by a little robin, the bird that never cleans it's poo, after doing it on someone's head

1 comment:

DATOU said...

Lol, i guessed u are not the only one who look back to the past. Of course that feeling is so horrible and unbearable. But i had moved on. Moving on doesnt mean u forget or doesnt mean that u dont care. To me, i am just burying that feeling deep in my heart and treasure my times now with them. Give urself some time! To look forward and of course breathe the fresh air around you!