Thursday, June 7, 2007

chapter 16 : and summer begins

ok folks, YA-HA! today is yue ying's birthday, let's all wish her a happy youthful 17th birthday ya?

alright, it's just the start of the holidays, and i'm tightly packed already? yea, tommorrow is party time.... alright. i've been waiting all month for this. and saturday? heh heh, i got to be somewhere in eunos by 8.00am. horrible. and i live in bukit timah. the bitch from SYFC was sniggering at me when she heard i lived in bukit timah (grr....) i'll burn her hair if she ever does that again. then again, she was kinda hot for some tongue tied woman (she can't speak properly YA-HA HA HA)

here's a promise i made to myself. if i ever get my PPL, i'll take my girlfriend on a ride in the sky with me to get a view of this ocean sunset

i will get it... i swear it on my soul

alright. holiday time. i guess i be on anime again folks. funny thing is, i rushed through the entire series of eye shield 21 before the common test ended, when it's actually after common test then i should slowly watch. well then, i guess i ought to find another anime to watch then. maybe darker than black.... that one takes real long to be uploaded.

something to moan about? yea, plenty. why is my holiday only 2 blardy weeks. its so miserably short

and that's about it for today.i'll probably rant longer next post. bye folks

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