Friday, June 8, 2007

chapter 17 : barbeque and movies

YA-HA (HACK HACK COUGH COUGH)! what's happening folks? i just got back from marina bay steamboat with 4C 06. today, was kinda fun. watched pirates of the carribean, and ate steamboat. upsized for 15 people.

alright guys and gals, tonight's post is a short one. i'm not feeling well and got medical check up tommorrow. wish me luck. i have to get into SYFC for a certain someone and my dreams.

and hey, i beat all the guys down in daytona USA, though marvin proved to be a real challenge. always ahead of me till the end, and i always manage to squeeze past him when the time is up.

o yea, i just remembered. i got my letter for enlistement already =X this bites. i ought to defer soon, if not i'll be in serious shit.

i really look forward to next week. see ya soon. goodnight 4C, and everyone else.

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