Monday, June 11, 2007

chapter 19

it's the first day of school holidays. YA-HA! hey folks. how's it coming along. there's really nothing much to post today, yesterday, and the day before, because nothing much happened.

yesterday, got myself a new pair of shoes..... visited my ex-colleagues in the cathy restaurant.... and... nothing else. met up with yue ying, only for awhile. hung out with qi jun, ren yu, yi lin (i still can't tell who is who because i never asked).

ok....right now. i'm occupied with downloading anime. i just hope i don't get caught. hahahaha, and dad got the family a new flat screen (he owe us big for frying the old one).

hm... the week up ahead is full of events. but i really can't attend all of them. on friday, there are 3 events..... some air force talk, aaron's church soccer "cage" event, and bye bye maggie (she's leaving the cathy to go back malaysia to study).

i have to find a cloning formula soon or i'd be in trouble. right, that's it for today, and i hope something interesting happens real soon. bye bye

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