Tuesday, June 26, 2007

chapter 26 : a new beginning to something old

it's a really stuffy evening on a tuesday. hey folks, i know i promised the details on the saturday events, but i never knew they would be delayed.

okay okay, i'm sorry. didn't meant for this to happen.

i'm skipping fencing training again, it was intentional..... sorry farhan. couldn't help it.

well anyway. back to the topic. today's post is really long. so be patient.

saturday morning started out in a really interesting way. ever seen a small monitor lizard up close?
hahaha, well freddy was a little scary, so the little critter rushed to hide. well, we trekked along the road to the HSBC treetop walk. i'll tell ya, the view up there is a knock out. literally. i mean there's nothing there to see. only treetops. so yea, it's knock out when you realized that you trekked 4.2km for viewing treetops. but, if you look closely, there are some really nice scenes. look down for example. and look far away....

nice ain't it? okay! so here's what happens next. we got off the suspension bridge, and we walked along the wooden platform pathway provided. we saw a giant ant crawling along the planks and nothing escapes freedy peh's N73 camera

well, after all that HSBC treetop hike, it's time to head back to bukit timah. well, if it's boys, you'd think that everything that we see in nature is there for a reason.

ok, you ask any one on the

road what the following pictures are suppose to show, they'd tell you, it's a hole in the ground. but if you ask boys from 4C.... we'd tell you something else.

well. you can say that's about all of our commando expedition. the rest of the hike was to get to and through rifle range road.... and we walked past several interesting sites. school of ammunition (what do they teach there?) singapore technologies something something else. PUB water treatment plant. and the home of a band of monkeys.finally, we reached the bridge over PIE. the big satelites along the highway, you know? there were some people fixing the starhub and M1 cable lines and well....marvin and hassan kept hitting the cables on the other end... so you know how the technicians reacted... well, the PIE wasn't exactly a knock out view, but it was windy and breezy...
after all that, we walked past the PUB area and into durian loop. the place has got lots of durians.... and there were people around there picking durians XD

so finally, we practically sang our way out of bukit timah hill and turned to look back...

it's finally over and time for lunch... though the 4 of us would have prefered to sleep in Courts for awhile...

well, the next half of the day was equally fun, though we did nothing much. they really make me do weird things... those 2 girls.
and when they ask too much, you just don't want to listen.....
this was the part where they asked me to pose like jessica alba in the fantastic 4 photo...but anyway, it was fun.....

er hem. back to the present day. since yesterday, i've been getting back test results and... so far the one that looks most promising is my Engineering Mechanics...followed by ETE and finally FAT (which really sucked)...tommorrow, i'll be getting back my last paper. EG2... wish me luck with that.

that reminds me, earlier, i was walking back home past the bike accident area, and i noticed they placed a convew mirror at the T junction. this really pissed me off. i mean, does it always have to take one person's life just to make everyone else notice the danger? if they had placed a mirror there earlier, i wouldn't have to reapir my bike, and my hand would still be alright. grrrhh....

well, that's it for today, just for a side show, here's something from ice age 2.

see you soon, bye

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