Thursday, January 31, 2008

when you fly and trip nuts at the same time

i just forget how much i like to blog. i haven't done this properly since last year. so busy and all that. common excuse is that i have nothing interesting on.

seriously, it's no longer an excuse, unless i get phased out in phase 2 of my BFC.

all right, i'm halfway through phase 1 of BFC. i seriously wish i can go near the aircraft whenever i want to, and mess with it however i want. but, there are always rules, regulations, aunties and policewoman standing by. so, it's quite bad when you don't know the vehicle you're riding that well...

let's see... today i flew with GOH CL, skylark 98. he was a nice guy. but really rough up in the skies. i messed up his call sign....... called him 93 instead of 98. and i got whoop so hard, i messed up the rest of my radio calls.

okay, checks, airmanship, and excercise not too bad, just when things got better, it turned sour again. i don't know how my aircraft sped up so fast when i turned in whiskey 2, it just did... i stoned for the entire 20 seconds, and jammed the rudder all the way to the left, oversteer the basket aircraft... talk about the fast and the furious, whiskey drift. after that, i got whalloped all over again, becos i taxi like some drunk driver. fast, slow, drift, jerk, slanted and yelled over intercom.

seriously, a man can only take "-------" this amout of screaming in his ears before he cracks and commits unreasonable mistakes. like me, for instance, after all that yelling, i forgot what is "turn off" all switches. instead, i stoned there, and turned them all back on without realising it.

i was so stoned, i wasn't even sure i did anything.

debreif and all was okay, got some praise, got some smack in the head for bad taxiing and radio calls. and then i had to report my sortie to the master... 86, SIVA. he was nagging at me, saying, " you arh, don't learn from your mistakes arh." and i was like, "yes sir, sorry sir, won't happen again sir."

well, better luck next time i suppose...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

M18 is REAL

it's the 27th january guys, thanks for all the birthday greetings i got.

wonderful, wonderful. today is a day unlike any other. i get to fly, i get good grades for flying, i get birthday greetings. and on friday, i get to have dinner with jonni and freddi.

a brief history on me,

19 years ago, when my mum first found out she was carrying me, my parents wanted to abort me. until they found out i was a boy.

the doctor estimated my date of birth to be on the 27th of january the following year. so my mum was like, okay and yeah sure. but as the date drew closer, she realized that there was no lunar new year for her to celebrate.

on the 26th of january 1990, 2300 hours, my grandma was praying that her grandson was to be born on the second day of the new year, just because it was auspicious. turns out i was born just after midnight.

so in the end, my mother had to spend her lunar new year in the hospial with my dad and 2 older sisters.

and today's birthday sortie, excercise 4ii:

turned out better than i expected, though sometimes i don't know how to answer my instructor, because the right words for answers to me, doesn't seem right to him. and i flew for 1.2 hours today, a long long flight, circling seletar airbase for 20 mins, just to get clearance for landing. there were 2 other guys down there doing touch and gos, so i can't butt in until their done.

after touch down, i met sherry, and russell. russell was doing his first sortie, while sherry like me, was doing sortie 2.

after that, went to jurong point to find qijun. was summoned by him out of the blue to waste time with him.

and that ends the birthday of today. yay.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Sortie 1: excercise 3,4i

today... is the day.. big day. and a big mistake to start it off.

24/01/08 date of comencement. i started my flying programme to day. it wasn't exactly a good start too. technically, 19/01/08 was suppose to be my first sortie, but due to bad weather, it was cancelled.

everyone has bad days right... today was just another one of them. it started off ok. i met my instructor an hour before my flight for briefing. and he said: go ready yourself, i'll meet you back here in ops room at 1410 and then we'll leave.

1410 hours

the thing about my instructor, is.... he's a nice guy. just that once up in the air, it gets really really mono and dull. and not really, i didn't really like how my first sortie turned out, but it was an exhilerating experience. my external checks performance was a fiasco, because, under pressure, i completely forgot the parts of the instructor just corrected me and explained to me. nice guy, so full of patience.

well, everything was going ok, until he asked me what was the airmanship for this excercise... my fault again, wasn't ready for anything as usual. then he nagged at me.....

then he asked me for the principles of EOCS... and again, i couldn't answer him...

for one reason, i couldn't hear him at all. everytime he chooses to talk, he talks along with the people on the radio. and he talks softly. so again, i messed up quite abit in the air... will do better next time.

all it all, flying is nothing like anything on this earth. i just hope i get used to it ASAP. an jon.... please stop putting :deadddd on my tag board.... put up something nice. it's my birthday this weekend, say something nice.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

just another year?

maybe not.... its official. by next end of january, i'll be watching M18 movies, drinking, driving, clubbing and hopefully, dating.

it's a new start. but however bad it can get, it never had to be like this. i mean. i spent the past 6 hours rushing through my AMP1 written project, and yes, i'm done. the bad news is, the IAC/COMT work isn't done.

i'm lazy. everyone knows that. thankfully i'm not the only one. i asked kelvin and jian hui for advice and..... well, i got some pretty unhelpful bits from jian hui, and a guide from kelvin.

quite pathetic in fact. i feel quite useless when jordan and melvin kept pestering me over IAC/COMT work. surprisingly, it wasn't me that pestered them like last time. well, as long as i finish the work by next monday, and everyone else is happy, i'm good with anything.

what did you do on new year's eve? i had fun, though it was just movies and movies. i heard everyone went to town and vivo for count down last night. sounds like fun. meanwhile, i was still near to home. westmall parade square had this open air theatre and i spent the evening watching transformers with freddy. and after that, freddy and i headed to the cinema to watch AVP2.....

the wasn't so bad, but quite dull. not enough AcTiOn. and in the end, me and freddy count down to new year in the cinema. it was kind of funny, but i think i was bothering quite alot of people.

o yea, while i was leaving the parade square with freddy, i ran into someone i didn't quite know. a very gorgeous babe from JJC. even freddy stopped to look at her while i greeted her.

i still don't know her name.... but i prefer not to disclose it though. and anyways, good bye 2007. hellow 2008. doesn't sound very promising, this year.

anyways, see you in school and soon. bye bye.