Monday, May 12, 2008

sully fifth week

it's been a hard day in school. no, i didn't like it. i messed up my first test of the day, and managed my second test so-so.

now how did things go bad? really, i mentioned in earlier posts that the CADM teacher deserved to get walloped hard, but this time was quite overbearing. 30 minutes to do a test was okay, i suppose. but under pressure and lack of practice with the CADM program, 30 minutes was impossible. i finished alright. sort of. and i had one incomplete sketch left, and i saved it. apparently, the idiotic program doesn't save files the way lazy people does, half-done. and, the end result was that, i had only saved 2 curved lines instead of the whole product.

so i asked him for one more shot.

and the bitching baldy had the guts to nag at me for not saving constantly and being fair to the class. i got fed up and started chanting back in his face to give me one more attempt to put it right, and it wasn't fair to me either.

he could have given me another test paper which would have been "fair" to me and everyone in that situation, but no......... he had to give me the old one which it "unfair" to everyone else.... then he goes on ranting and nagging. it was quite tempting to shove his face through the computer, because we were alone in the room... and no one was there to see it happen.

well, moving on, ASAS test. was a headache. turns out that transport aircraft is not classified in the type category. shrugs~~~

and, i've got some good news, my ED teacher has been hospitalized last thursday due to kidney problems, and he's coming back this week! tough old cookie

and that's it for today, here's one on the all american rejects

oh yea, my sister just finished her exams in NUS, and she got us a new album from augustana!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

the world will wait for you

no, it isn't true. just this monday, i've got problems myself.

as you all know how it feels like to be back in school after a long weekend, yes it's the same for me. i kept my classmates and lecturers waiting for half an hour in the morning because i woke up late, showered slowly, and padded along to class. and he couldn't start teaching because it was important.

and when i finally waltz into class, he had enough and was teaching away.

well. that sums it up for the poor attitude in the morning. but guess what? i found this really cool manga. it's called "akumetsu". really awesome plot, with a slight adult genre. viewer's discretion is required.

common tests is in 3 weeks time. and it's just the 4th week of school. it's creepy when you think about it.....

Monday, May 5, 2008

bleeps and bloopers

yess.... i forgot to mention, that i was watching ironman with freddy and JONATHAN.....

technically, its your fault jon, you are always like the wil'o the wisps.... hard to tell you're there sometimes, even harder to remember.

that was mean, but unintentional

Sunday, May 4, 2008

always put your money whre your mouth is

just recently i spent an evening with freddy in the cinema watching ironman. now technically, he shouldn't be called "iron"man, because his suit is mostly made out of titinanium. though the plot was good, it wasn't realistic, but futuristic. it gets quite exciting when you see him zipping around the sky, dodging misslies and F-22 raptors.

well, let's move on. this week was qijun's birthday, which falls on the same day as labour day. and joy oh joy has he got news for me! i can't disclose though. it's "top secret". and then we've got mother's day coming up.

most recently i've been given a part time assignment. as blogmaster of the ATC blog. here's the site it's really quite dull having to do all the research and stuff, what's more, i've got to keep a lid on what i say? that's really annoying.

more tests coming up in this up coming week. my class and i have all agreed on a few things.
  1. the CADM teacher deserves a kick in the gentlemens
  2. the SOM teacher is really loud and annoying, and deserves to have a firecracker up his bottom, and
  3. the ED teacher is easy to bribe with kachang puteh and black coffee

the funny thing about the ED lecturer is that he usually compares us students, with clowns and kachang puteh men. this intrigues us, as we tend to wonder, if the kachang puteh man really is quite educated with a degree?

now, the last post was one about a fighter jet, and the fastest car. which can go faster, in a drag race.