Saturday, July 28, 2007


today, is heaven.

hi everyone, finally, something exciting has happened. today is the day i take a joyride up in the clouds, 4000 feet up with 2 other students and a pilot.

a better way to describe today was, G-Force.

hahaha, yes. today started out at SYFC as wet and damp. the flight was delayed for an hour. and when it was finally clear to take to the skies, it was already 4.05pm. the pilot took me, BoJu and Benjamin.

what can i say? flying is one of man's greatest achivements so far. and when the plane took off it was like feeling free! no longer bound by gravity anymore!

up at 4000 feet, we saw singapore from a different angle. small, compact, and hazy. the weather was so cloudy that the scene turned pretty grey. but it was still nice. and as we got higher, the pilot was pointed out several landmarks from the plane window, the cool thing was, he actually used the wing to point to the landmarks. he was pretty cool for an old geezer.

next up, we get to experience the G-Force. yea, and i made the most nice, swooning Woooooooooooo, everytime we hit the G-Force. he tiped the plane left at 90 degrees and banked the plane left. straightened up, and followed with a tip to the right and banked sharply right again. everytime he did such a maneouver, every organ in my body moved up to my lungs and my heart was squeezing out of my neck.

hahaha, and that wasn't the end of it. he pitched upwards sharply again, and banked leftwards. man, that was heart stopping, he didn't really say he was going to do such a move. then what followed it was the best one yet. he pitched the plane down, and it sky rocketed down to earth and as he did so, he rolled the plane gently back to straight and level. wow, i can actually feel my butt leaving the seat.

hm.... what was really funny was when we came in to land, we were losing altitude so fast that the throttle had to be on full again. when we landed, the pilot complained we were too heavy and it was impossible to land without full throttle. Note* if any of you don't understand, approach any AT student or SYFC dude and ask them.

well that's it for today, and todays song is,
lovestoned... i think she knows - justin timberlake

news flash

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