Saturday, July 28, 2007


today, is heaven.

hi everyone, finally, something exciting has happened. today is the day i take a joyride up in the clouds, 4000 feet up with 2 other students and a pilot.

a better way to describe today was, G-Force.

hahaha, yes. today started out at SYFC as wet and damp. the flight was delayed for an hour. and when it was finally clear to take to the skies, it was already 4.05pm. the pilot took me, BoJu and Benjamin.

what can i say? flying is one of man's greatest achivements so far. and when the plane took off it was like feeling free! no longer bound by gravity anymore!

up at 4000 feet, we saw singapore from a different angle. small, compact, and hazy. the weather was so cloudy that the scene turned pretty grey. but it was still nice. and as we got higher, the pilot was pointed out several landmarks from the plane window, the cool thing was, he actually used the wing to point to the landmarks. he was pretty cool for an old geezer.

next up, we get to experience the G-Force. yea, and i made the most nice, swooning Woooooooooooo, everytime we hit the G-Force. he tiped the plane left at 90 degrees and banked the plane left. straightened up, and followed with a tip to the right and banked sharply right again. everytime he did such a maneouver, every organ in my body moved up to my lungs and my heart was squeezing out of my neck.

hahaha, and that wasn't the end of it. he pitched upwards sharply again, and banked leftwards. man, that was heart stopping, he didn't really say he was going to do such a move. then what followed it was the best one yet. he pitched the plane down, and it sky rocketed down to earth and as he did so, he rolled the plane gently back to straight and level. wow, i can actually feel my butt leaving the seat.

hm.... what was really funny was when we came in to land, we were losing altitude so fast that the throttle had to be on full again. when we landed, the pilot complained we were too heavy and it was impossible to land without full throttle. Note* if any of you don't understand, approach any AT student or SYFC dude and ask them.

well that's it for today, and todays song is,
lovestoned... i think she knows - justin timberlake

news flash

Friday, July 27, 2007


hi everyone. i'm back from a long draught. it's been raining constantly this week and tomorrow is my joyride at SYFC. pray hard it doesn't rain tomorrow.

i'm really sorry i coudn't blog all of last week. but hey! today is speacial. it's marcus's 17th birthday today.

i can't really say the past few weeks events have been exciting or fun. just boring, mundane and hectic. not my kind of lifestyle. and as time flies by, i'm nearing my semester exam. and the one thing i'm really worried about is ETE. the only module i can't keep up with.
and neither can i say i'm enjoying the life right now. i'm having some second thoughts about my future again, and i'm really wondering if i should take a step back or rush to the end? i'm really having quite abit on my mind.

talk about the flipside of lifethe things i'm really glad about is CATS is finally over, S & W is the last one next week, and i'm left with one more major bad ass project on my backside. at least the world isn't short of pretty girls XD hahaha. it isn't the end yet. i've still got a long long way to go

i kinda miss her... even though i've told myself countless and endless times not to think of her, she just slides into my head unknowingly. kind of like poison in my mind. what's worse, i keep thinking of the blasted ETE module. and it turns out, that seems to be the cause my of my short term memory loss. xgroanx...
i read harry potter and the DH. wasn't that much of a kick like i expected, really short too. and the ending was pretty mushy and cheezy as well. but it's recommended for all viewers.

well i've come to the end of my post for tonight. i'm sorry, that some stories can't have a happy ending, as for many like myself.

good night and happy birthday marcus. and today's songs are all by the click five, from their latest album, morden minds and pastimes.

Friday, July 13, 2007

chapter 32

it's friday night, baby, are you sleeping? hahaha, it's getting pretty late now. i'm really tired. it's a short post for today.

firstly, today's events aren't really eciting. same as yesterday. recently, life has become pretty mundane, and boring. i need some edge on my life.

things i'm looking forward to? this sunday, i'm going over to my new house to check it out. see what's it like. i'll give you some insight in my new home. and, i hope i can get a new mobile phone this weekend.

so well, that's it for today. turn in early. it's saturday tommorrow. don't wake up late. try to go to the beach...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

chapter 31 : broken souls

it's 11.30pm right now, sorry for posting this late. i just got back from NCC officers meeting at westmall..... damn, mr chia sure can talk alot.

i'm tired. broken. weakened. vulnerable. i need a break. i haven't been able to get up from bed properly the entire week. i feel damn wobbly all over. even when doing CATS project, i nearly fell asleep in the breeze. god, that felt so good.

today, S & W was wet and dirty. my kind of thing. learning how to dive behind the ball and catch it. apparently, it was harder than it looks. and the person who really got on my nerves today was nicholas. that clown has all the verbs in your face, but can't make himself useful at all.

i don't feel like complaining anymore. i just want to hug something and go to sleep. my kind of thing.

apparently, i found out something about myself. i officially can't have any relationship with choclates. not even chocolate milk..... it gives me acne outbreaks. just when life has taken everything from me, and now, even choclate milk? last X'mas, it was choclates, last year peanut butter, and now this? i feel so pathetic.

it can't get any worse than this. if only i can turn back time....
this is clocks, by coldplay. i guess this is where time can really be turned back.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

chapter 30 : just the right amount of feelings

good afternoon laddies, i'm blogging early today, because, i don't think i will have much time tonight to blog. anyways, this is just an attempt to make up for lost last week.

today wasn't exactly my happiest day of my life.

and to start it of, mr liang stopped me from stepping into class this morning because i managed to avoid all the temperature taking checkpoints and coming to class without my "sticker". then, my team presenting ETE lecture today was only a one man team. me. only i was ready to present my lecture. next.... we just receive full details on AMMP project, for assembly of aircraft. and it's due in 2 weeks. and FAT project has taken a major setback, my airbus specifications has to be scrapped and done from scratch on another model.

right now, i'm feeling really dead. and tommorrow and the day other will be hell. hectic schedules for the days and weeks ahead.

thinking about it really makes me pissed. i just wish for one day to like, take a stroll on the beach, pick shells, soak my body in the salty water and dry myself in the blasting hot sun.

i guess that's it for today. i'm feeling pretty fed up. so before i sign of, let me present you something.

this is the fray, with "over my head"

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

chapter 29

hello chums. how's it going ya?it's been awhile since i last blogged. i'm kinda busy with my social life, so forgive me.

aerospace technology has taken quite a turn into hardcore. literally. the guys in my class resort to pornographic videos sometimes... well, the one who really started all this gay porn stuff would be william, and his supplier from RP. hahaha, ok. it gets pretty cold, so i won't say anymore.

ok. projects have started coming in. mr yeoh, tutor/lecturer of FAT has issued assignments on aircraft comparison. yeah. i made a big mistake choosing airbus A350-800 as my airbus product (it's too new).whereas edwin is having problems with his russian aircrafts (too ulu) and shun yuan with his boeing 7 series (too high tech).

i guess we all have our ups and downs. ETE also has taken quite a serious phase. as we are nearing the end of the module, we actually have no idea what we have been studying uptill now (it gets worse). mr ong has asked us to do a presentation by tommorrow, and well, i have no idea what i'm presenting, even if the work is all done.

i'm kinda tired from the start of the term. we get back, we start work, we get bored of it, we want to quit. well, that's angela's case. it gets pretty sad. we end up saying cold jokes about being an all guys class. but, come to think of it, it's really not that bad. at least now angela doesn't have to feel the pressure of being the only girl in the class.

anyways, i've been trying out something recently. the piano. yea. and i'm not good at it. hahahaha. i've been trying it out for leisure. playing songs from different bands. augustana, the fray, coldplay, the all-american rejects. so far, it's only the all-american rejcts that has proved too difficult. as for the others, i got them right.... somehow.

and good news to my friends living in bukit batok. i'm moving to the HDBs near westmall, as for my friends in hoover park estate, i'll still be living near here, so i'll play soccer anytime... if possible.

and today's music video is..... the scientist. by coldplay.
good night everyone

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

yellowcard episode

these are 2 simliar videos but different styles of singing. i hope you'd enjoy the clips.

it's been a few years already. nearly 5, since i started listening to yellowcard. this is the first song i ever heard from their album.... and i'd say, it's one of my favourites.

this song, and only this song so far, has lyrics that makes me feel, and understand, that love is possible for anyone... even if he's the devil. it sounds really mushy, i admit it, but hey, the song caught me off guard back then, and till this day, it's in every MP3 i've ever owned, every CD i've ever burnt, every previous computer in my house and the song i've played everyday.

that's yellowcard, with "ocean avenue". good day everyone.

Monday, July 2, 2007

chapter 28 : the great escape

it's a humid evening, good night everyone. how're you doing?

it's really boring in my room... hearing the cats outside meowing and growling away at each other.... it's mating season again... i think.

nothing big happened today. just some bleeps and bloopers.

the funny thing is, is the fragile disappearance of miss angela kwek. after attending the 2 hour lecture with mr ong yong hoe, she disappeared out of thin air.... well, she didn't turn up for school last friday as well.... could mean something fishy.

well, if angela fails to turn up for school in the next few days, i'm likely to know what happened... and there goes our last and only female in our class... =(

good things to look forward to, my joyride is coming up on the 28th of this month. really really excited. i'll be like in the warrior and zipping around the sky like a bee with the pilot. totally cool. i guess some things are worth the wait... while others, i'm not to sure.

i'm trying to get over her, and move on. but it's harder than ever. i just made up my mind, that somethings can't be changed and some people aren't made for each other. i hope what i'm doing is the right thing.... because it's the hardest thing for me to do.

here's a music video for you. it's "the great escape" by the "boys like girls"

i hope to see you soon. signing off

Sunday, July 1, 2007

chapter 27 : move, moving, moved on

evening everyone... it's a full moon out there in the dark night sky. for the lecherous males on the prowl, now's the time to do your every 28 day thing.....

the days in casa de chan has been pretty dark recently.... my parents are now in tragic pain.... we sold the house (undisclosed sum) and now we can't buy anything with this money...

i'm really lost.... as the child of this household, i can't do anything but pray for the storm to be over without any tragedy...

anyways, reality check, i'm currently working back at cathy on weekends. part-time. anyone who feels like dinning there please feel free to call for my service =D just messing with you, no way my manager will let me go near the guests.

hahaha, well, there's more to it, my assitant manager upsized my pay. from the usual 6, its become 7 bucks an hour. yea... at the rate it's going, i'm gonna get my new phone pronto. what do you think about 5700? it's the new click 5 phone. it's pretty snazzy. and very pretty. with the twisty twisty parts.....mmm.. my kind of thing.

ok folks, i'm getting really tired right now. i'm signing off. but before i go, here's : the darkness - i believe in a thing called love.

ok... it's pretty gay. but look at it from a different perspective. how about exploring sex the wrong way? hahaha, have a good laugh at it.